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Get assistance in your upper and lower body stretches with the Xerstretch® Strap. Designed for safe, full-body stretching, increasing flexibility and improving your range of motion. The 1″-wide nylon strap includes one loop at each end for comfortable hand positioning and one loop in the middle for secure foot placement, allowing you to deepen your muscle stretches. Includes a downloadable instruction sheet. Only $6.98, regularly priced $11.99 + Free Store Pickup at Sears right HERE ← 

•Get assistance with upper and lower body stretching
•Safe, full body stretching
•Increases flexibility
•Improves range of motion
•1″-wide nylon strap
•Loops at each end for hands and one in the middle for feet
•Includes a downloadable instruction sheet


CouponTerri may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Read our full disclosure policy here

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