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If your like me and your stuck inside with kids, hurry over to Barnes & Noble where now through the month of April and May they are offering Virtual Story-time for free! How cool is that!

For the health and safety of their customers they have cancelled events, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop! Bring Story-time to life wherever you are by clicking on this link →  YOUTUBE.COM/BARNESANDNOBLE for a Story-time read along, plus find fun activity sheets by going HERE← and clicking the link next to the book.

Upcoming Storytime Events:

  • April 11: The Great Eggscape!
  • April 18: The Lorax
  • April 25: Dear Boy
  • April 25: Dear Girl
  • May 1: Yawns Are Coming!
  • May 2: Bear Came Along


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