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Print your coupons now for this CVS deal that’s starting 2/17/19. CVS will offer you a $4 ECB when you spend $12 on Alamy Cosmetics.

Pair this promotion with a  $2.00 OFF on ONE (1) Almay Product printable coupon to score the following deal.



If you haven’t printed your coupons, do it now before the print limit is met and they disappear.



CVS (Starting 2/17)
Buy (2) Almay Oil-Free Make-Up Eraser Sticks, 24CT, $5.99 Reg Price
(2) $2.00 OFF on ONE (1) Almay Product
Total = $7.98, Get back $4 ECB for spending $12
= $1.99 each



Buy (2) Almay Eye Shadow Squads, $6.99 Reg Price
(2) $2.00 OFF on ONE (1) Almay Product
Total = $9.98, Get back $4 ECB for spending $12
= $2.99 each


CouponTerri may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Read our full disclosure policy here

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