CouponTerri may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Read our full disclosure policy here.


Now through March 3rd buy any 14 to 45-ct. pkg. of Tena Pads at Publix and $2.00 will automatically come off at the register. As you can see in the picture, these items sale for $5.19 each. Use a high value manufacturer coupon and they’re FREE, plus a moneymaker. Check the deal out below and keep in mind, if you cant use them, donate them.

*Buy (1) Maximum 14 ct / Moderate / Ultra Thin pads at $5.19 each.
*$2 will automatically come off at the register bringing your total down to $3.19.
*Use (1) $4.00/1 Tena Maximum, Overnight, Ultimate Products or underwear found in the 3/1/20 RMN insert (Coupon expires 3/15/20).
Total after auto rebate and coupon is FREE + 81¢ Money Maker!



CouponTerri may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Read our full disclosure policy here

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