CouponTerri may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Read our full disclosure policy here.


Getting low on diapers? Run on over to Publix and score Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers, Jumbo Pack for just $2.49 each by stacking store coupons and a manufacturer coupons and Publix will automatically deduct an additional $5.00 at the register when you buy TWO Huggies Diapers or Pull-Ups Training Pants, 15 to 88 ct. With all that being said, check out the deal below.

*Buy (2) Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers, Jumbo Pack – $8.99 (reg price)
*Use (2) $2/1 Huggies diapers 15 to 112-ct. pkg. or Pull-Ups Training Pants PRINTABLE COUPON from the Publix Happy Hearts, Happy Wallets Baby Flyer valid 1/29 to 2/26/20. Go HERE←, click on the weekly ad and scroll to the bottom.
*Use (2) $2/1 Huggies Diapers from March of Dimes Pamphlet. Expires 2/20.
*Pay just $4.98. That’s $2.49 each

Note: After 2/20 Use (2) $1.00 off any ONE package of Huggies Diapers printable coupon found HERE←. and pay $4.49 for each package.







CouponTerri may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Read our full disclosure policy here

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