CouponTerri may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Read our full disclosure policy here.


Want FREE movie tickets? Hurry over to NOW and print a new coupon valid for $2/1 Coppertone product 5oz and larger (expires in 30 days) – limit of 4 exact same coupons per household per day. Now Through June 28th, Coppertone is offering you a FREE $12 Fandango Promo Code to see ANY Disney movie at Fandango partner theaters whenever you purchase two participating Coppertone products 5 oz or larger in one transaction. Hurry over to Walgreens or CVS. Make your purchase and take a picture of your entire receipt with qualifying items starred and text keyword Coppertone to 47056 for receipt submission instructions.

Walgreens Deal Idea – Valid NOW Thru 6/24:

Skin Care & Sun Care Buy 2 Get 3rd FREE *thru 6/24
Deal Idea
Buy 3 Coppertone Sport High Performance AccuSpray Sunscreen 6 fl oz $9.99 each
Total for all after the BOGO Free Sale = $19.98
Use two $2/1 Coppertone product 5oz and larger coupons here
Final cost $15.98 total – $5.33 each! *
* Plus, submit for Free Movie Ticket (up to $12 value) when you purchase 2 Coppertone Products!

CVS Deal Idea – Starts 6/11:

Buy 2 Coppertone Sunscreen $8.99 = $2 EB (limit 1)
Use two $2/1 Coppertone product 5oz and larger coupons here
Pay $13.98
Get back $2 EB
Final cost $11.98 – just $5.99 each!*
* Plus, submit for Free Movie Ticket (up to $12 value) when you purchase 2 Coppertone Products!

CouponTerri may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Read our full disclosure policy here

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