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The Anchor Hocking Gusto 2-Piece 1-Liter Mug set is ideal for entertaining or for those who prefer a large mug. The product consists of two classic glass mugs that will make a great addition to any home bar. This Anchor Hocking drinkware comes with a 32-ounce capacity, making it the ideal size for large drinks, floats or milkshakes. Completely dishwasher safe, maintaining these mugs is quick and easy to do. Crafted from a minimum of 10 percent reclaimed glass, this glass mug set is better for the environment and encourages the use of recycled material when possible. Only $7.27, regularly priced $10.30 + Free Store Pickup. Hurry and head on over to Walmart right HERE ← to purchase your’s today.

Anchor Hocking Gusto 2 Piece 1-Liter Mug Set:

  • Set of 2
  • Anchor Hocking drinkware is dishwasher safe
  • 32-oz capacity
  • This glass mug set is made with a minimum of 10% reclaimed glass



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