CouponTerri may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Read our full disclosure policy here.


Starting 3/19/2020, Publix will have White Castle Cheeseburgers or Chicken Breast Sandwiches or Hamburgers, 9.5 to 11 oz, BOGO at $4.15 each. Use a couple of printable coupons and pay only $1.58 each. Check the deal out below and print your coupons now.

Note: There will be no rainchecks issued by Publix this week because of the shortage in stock due to the coronavirus.

Deal valid 3/19 – 3/25.
*Buy (2) White Castle Cheeseburgers or Chicken Breast Sandwiches or Hamburgers, 9.5 to 11 oz, BOGO at $4.15 each.
*Use (2) 50¢ off any ONE White Castle Sliders (4ct or 6ct) PRINTABLE COUPON.
*Final total is $3.15 for both or $1.58 each!



CouponTerri may earn a small commission via affiliate links in this post. Read our full disclosure policy here

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